Dear Parents,

Thank you for your inquiry concerning the Christian schooling available as a ministry of Edgemont Bible Church, an independent, fundamental church, which holds to the Bible as our only rule for faith and practice.

It is our sincere desire to assist parents in their God given responsibility of training and educating their children to His glory and their benefit. It is our intention to reinforce in the school what is being taught in the home. Our goal is to promote unity in the family, not division.

Please review the Admission Policy (below) thoroughly and fill out an online application as soon as possible. The Berean Christian School Board desires that as much as possible there be mutual harmony between the home and the school concerning the issues addressed. We want to reinforce the Biblical values you have in your home, not contradict them. We ask that you respond to the questions as thoroughly and as frankly as you are able.

Our prayer is that the LORD JESUS CHRIST will give you peace and guidance as you seek HIS best for your family.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

In His Service,

Doug White, Director.

For full details of the admissions policy refer to the appropriate handbook (link on each admissions page). A statement of non-discrimination is on file at the BCS school office.

Berean Christian School offers learning programs for students Kindergarten through Level 12. Students completing the eighth level must apply to enter the Senior Program (levels 9-12). We prefer students applying for high school to have completed at least two years of schooling in a Christian curriculum.

Berean Christian School is a ministry of the Edgemont Bible Church, and the very motive of BCS is the training of Christian leaders. Therefore, it is expected that parents enrolling their children in BCS be in doctrinal agreement with EBC. (Edgemont Bible Church Statement of Faith)

Parents need to come to a personal and harmonious agreement between them that Christian education is the right choice for their child. Negative motivations, such as avoidance of problems or school situations, may begin a thought trend toward Christian education, but ultimately are inadequate for the long-term educational and spiritual training of the child if these are the only motivations. Problems of any nature with a previous school must be disclosed, discussed, and resolved with the administration before enrollment occurs. BCS honors disciplinary judgments levied by other schools. Failure to provide full disclosure of situations with a previous school may result in the expulsion of the student.

Applicants of the age of 13 or entering the 7th Level or above must have accepted JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR. Written and verbal testimony is required. At least one parent or guardian of the applicant must have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Written and verbal testimony is required. Students must demonstrate obedience and respect for their parents and for the authorities GOD has placed over them. Without these expressed attitudes they cannot be accepted into the BCS environment. All applications, regardless of age or academic level, must have the desire to attend or at least the willingness to attend and follow the standards and rules of BCS.

All parents/guardians must agree to the policies of Berean Christian School and provide a signature on all appropriate documents.